We strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience, including a hassle-free return process. To ensure smooth and efficient returns, it is imperative that customers reach out to our dedicated Customer Service team before taking any action. This step is crucial to obtain accurate return instructions and to guarantee a timely refund or exchange.
Please refrain from returning items independently or without obtaining proper guidance from our Customer Service team. Returning items to the wrong address may result in delays or, in some cases, the inability to process a refund.
Customers can reach out to our dedicated Customer Service team to request the appropriate returns address. Please note that customers from USA, UK, AUS, EU, and ROW regions are responsible for covering the costs associated with their returns, including shipping fees.
UK Domestic | Return at own cost. |
US Domestic | Return at own cost. |
EU & AUS | Return at own cost. |
If you purchased your product directly from the tech21.com website and you decide you no longer want it, we'll give you a refund provided that you return it to us within 14 days of you receiving your order, unused and in its original condition (with packaging intact). Refunds are for products only. Shipping charges are non-refundable. It's important to contact us first before sending the item to us, by using our Returns form.
If you purchased your product from tech21.com and it develops a fault within the period and scope of tech21's limited warranty, use our Warranty Replacement form and we'll provide a replacement.
If you purchased your product from one of our authorised retailers and it is within their Returns policy period, we do recommend returning the product to the original retailer. If they are unable to help you, and your claim is within the period and scope of tech21's limited warranty, please use our Warranty Replacement form (proof of purchase required) and we'll try to help.
If you purchased your product from one of our authorised retailers, you may be entitled to get a refund or a replacement product directly from the retailer as part of the retailers' Returns policy. Tech21 cannot issue refunds for products not purchased from tech21.com.
Please do not send any products to our head office address as your Return will not be processed. You must complete our Returns form and send your product back to the warehouse's address on the label provided.